How can the system disregard ERA denials?
  • 20 Mar 2024
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How can the system disregard ERA denials?

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Article summary

In certain cases, claims on ERA may be denied payment, but instead of appearing as a rejected claim in the Manage Claims page, they should be disregarded. This situation can occur when the denial is actually a reduction for multiple units of the same type being billed, for example. To ensure that these denials are ignored by the system and do not appear in the Manage Claims rejected claims queue, it is necessary to enter the appropriate claim adjustment reason codes in the Rejected Denials- Ignore Codes box in Settings. Once these codes are entered, the system will exclude those denials from the recovery process and not appear as a rejected claim.

To add the Recover Ignore Codes:

  1. Navigate to Settings in the left navigation menu and click the Account Settings tab. 
  2. In the Rejected Denials- Ignore Codes box, enter the denial reason code(s) to be ignored when recovering claims from an ERA.
  3. Click   .

Now ERA with these denial codes will not display under Rejected Claims in the Manage Claims page (see image below). 

ERA Denials with denial reasons entered into Recover Ignore Codes box will not display here

Turning off Reject Denials

You can also choose to disable the "Reject Denials" setting. If you want to prevent all ERA Denials from being treated as rejections, simply deselect the Reject Denials Checkbox.

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