How do I create, modify, delete, and use a claim template?
  • 19 Mar 2024
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How do I create, modify, delete, and use a claim template?

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Article summary

Templates can be created and utilized in the View / Edit claim screen to save time when entering repetitive provider data directly into the system. 

Creating a Claim Template

To create a new template, the first step is create a new blank claim.

  1. Navigate to Manage Claims on the left navigation menu. 
  2. Click button on the top of page.
  3. Click on the . button and provide the billing or rendering provider information if you intend to use it on the template.
  4. Fill in the necessary information in the designated fields of the template.
  5. Select Manage Templates from the Other Actions dropdown menu. This will open the Template Manager window.
  6.  Enter a name for the template and click   .The template will be saved in the Claim Template list. This means that when creating a new claim, the template will be available in the "Claim Template" dropdown field for selection (see Using a Claim Template below).
More Information

Please be aware that although a template can store various information for future use, the frequently used data elements to consider are:

  • Box 21: Diagnosis Code
  • Box 24B: Place of Service
  • Box 24D: Procedure Code and Modifier
  • Box 24E: Diagnosis Pointer
  • Box 24F: Charges
  • Box 24G: Units

Using a Claim Template

  1.  Navigate to Manage Claims on the left navigation menu.
  2. Click button on the top of page.
  3. Select the template you want in the Claim Template dropdown (e.g. Test) and then click button. 
More Information
To automatically populate Blocks 31 or 33 in the claim, input the Billing Provider Name/NPI or Rendering Provider Name/NPI.

Modifying a Claim Template

To modify an existing claim template, follow these steps below:

  1. Pull up a claim either by a Search, Manage Claims, Upload Claim screen, or ERA screen. 
  2. Select Manage Templates from the Other Actions dropdown menu. This will open the Template Manager window.
  3. Modify the fields for the new template and then click on   .
  4. Select the Template to be modified under the Modify Existing Template heading
  5.  Select the   button. 

Deleting a Claim Template

To delete a claim template, follow these steps:

  1. From the View/Edit Claim screen, select Manage Templates from the Other Actions dropdown menu. This will open the Template Manager window.
  2. Select the Template to be modified under the Modify Existing Template heading.
  3.  Select the   button.

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