How do I correct an institutional claim?
  • 02 Apr 2024
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How do I correct an institutional claim?

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Article summary

In medical billing, a corrected claim is a resubmission of a healthcare claim with revised information to rectify errors in the original submission, ensuring accurate details for processing by the insurance payer.

  1. Navigate to the View/Edit Claim page by searching for the claim on the Search page.
  2. Go to the Type of Bill (TOB) field (FL04) and replace the third digit to "7".

  3. Proceed to enter the Document Control Number (DCN) or Claim Number field (FL64) for the corrected claim.
  4. Click the button at the top of the screen. This will resubmit it as a corrected claim.
More Information
Medicare does not accept electronic corrected claims. If Medicare has adjudicated a claim, the appeals process would need to be used to request a correction.  

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