AL Medicaid
  • 27 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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AL Medicaid

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Provider ID Instructions When Operating Multiple Locations

When submitting claims to Alabama Medicaid, it is important to include the Provider ID when the Rendering Provider and/or the Billing Provider operate from multiple locations. This ensures accurate processing and payment of claims.

Alabama Medicaid accepts both the National Provider Identifier (NPI) and Provider ID on claims. Specifically, the Provider ID should be included in the Billing Provider segment (2010BB|REFG2) and the Rendering Provider segment (2310B|REFG2) of the claim submission.

Medicaid Provider ID and NPI Crosswalk

Per HIPAA 5010 X12 standards, Medicaid is not allowed to receive a Medicaid provider ID on electronic claims, if the provider has an NPI.

This payer uses a table of information or "crosswalk" to associate the payer assigned provider IDs to each claim. Verify the information sent in these fields matches the provider ID record in the payers system:

  • Provider NPI
  • Provider Address
  • Provider taxonomy code

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