Professional Claim Form Overview
  • 04 Mar 2025
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Professional Claim Form Overview

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Article summary

The electronic form used in modern healthcare billing is based on the HCFA 1500 paper form, also known as the CMS-1500 form. The Claim.MD online version of this form retains the familiarity of the standard paper form but allows for additional electronic elements supported in the 837P electronic claim standard. This document gives a description of each field on the claim form and a crosswalk to their associated electronic elements.

The paper version of the claim form (HCFA 1500) can be visually compared to identify the differences. For instance, on the paper claim form, the patient/authorized person's signature is placed in Block 12, while the insured/authorized signature is in Block 13. However, these blocks are not present in the electronic Claim.MD version.

This crosswalk serves as a reference, and much of the data used in the X12 ANSI format is derived from the content presented on the website.

Claim.MD Professional Claim Form (as seen in View/Edit Claim page)

Professional Claim- Block 1
Payer Information

Field Name

Payer Name

DescriptionThe name of the insurance payer or health plan.
Paper Claim Block1
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpayer_name
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BB / NM103
Allowed Values64 characters
NotesInformation obtained from insurance card or directly from insurance provider.
See Claim.MD payer list for a searchable list of payers already in the Claim.MD database. 
Field Name

Payer ID

DescriptionThe unique identifier for the primary payer. 
Paper Claim Block1
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpayerid
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2000B / SBR09
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesInformation obtained from insurance card or directly from insurance provider.
See Claim.MD payer list for a searchable list of payers already in the Claim.MD database. 
Field Name

Payer Address

DescriptionThe address of the insurance payer or health plan.
Paper Claim Block1
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpayer_addr_1
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BB / N301
Allowed Values55 characters
NotesInformation obtained from insurance card or directly from insurance provider.
Payer address is not required on electronic claims.
Field Name

Payer Address 2

DescriptionAdditional address line of the insurance payer or health plan.
Paper Claim Block1
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpayer_addr_2
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BB / N302
Allowed Values55 characters
NotesInformation obtained from insurance card or directly from insurance provider. See Claim.MD payer list for a searchable list of payers already in the Claim.MD database. Create a support ticket if a payer is not on the list.  
Field Name

Payer City

DescriptionThe name of the insurance payer or health plan.
Paper Claim Block1
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpayer_city
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BB / N401
Allowed Values30 characters
NotesInformation obtained from insurance card or directly from insurance provider. See Claim.MD payer list for a searchable list of payers already in the Claim.MD database. Create a support ticket if a payer is not on the list.  
Field Name

Payer State

DescriptionThe state where the insurance payer or health plan is located.
Paper Claim Block1
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpayer_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BB / N402
Allowed Values2 characters
NotesInformation obtained from insurance card or directly from insurance provider. See Claim.MD payer list for a searchable list of payers already in the Claim.MD database. Create a support ticket if a payer is not on the list.  
Field Name

Payer Zip Code

DescriptionThe ZIP code of the insurance payer or health plan.
Paper Claim Block1
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpayer_zip
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BB / N403
Allowed Values15 characters

Field Name

Insured I.D. Number

DescriptionThe identification number of the insured individual.
Paper Claim Block1a
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldins_number
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA  / NM109
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesProvide the insured's ID number exactly as it appears on their ID card for the payer to whom the claim is being submitted. In case the patient has a specific Member Identification Number assigned by the payer, please enter that number in this field.

Professional Claim- Block 2-4
Patient Information 
Field Name

Patient Name

DescriptionThe full last name, first name, and middle initial of the patient receiving the medical services.
Paper Claim Block2
Required / SituationalRequired (except for middle initial)
XML / JSON Field:

pat_name_l, pat_name_f, pat_name_m

X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA / NM103 / NM104 / NM105
Allowed Values35 characters (last name) / 25 characters (first name) / 25 characters (middle initial)
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient Date of Birth

FieldnamePatient Date of Birth
DescriptionThe date of birth of the patient.
Paper Claim Block3
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpat_dob
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA / DMG02
Allowed Values10 characters, Date format (MM-DD-YYYY)
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient Sex


 The sex of the patient.

Paper Claim Block2
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpatient_sex
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA / DMG03
Allowed Values

1 character - M (Male), F (Female), U (Unknown)

NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Field Name

Insured's Name

DescriptionThe full last name, full first name, middle initial of insured individual. The insured individual is the person who holds the policy. 
Paper Claim Block4
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_name_l, ins_name_f, ins_name_m
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA / NM103, NM104, NM105, NM107
Allowed Values

35 characters (last name) / 25 characters (first name) / 25 characters (middle initial)

NoteInformation usually obtained from insurance card.
Professional Claim- Block 5-8
Patient Information / Insured's Information
Field Name

Patient Address

DescriptionThe first line of the patient's address.
Paper Claim Block5
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldins_addr_1
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010CA / N301
Allowed Values55 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient Address 2

DescriptionThe second line of the patient's address (if applicable).
Paper Claim Block5
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_addr_2
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010CA / N302
Allowed Values55 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient City

DescriptionThe city where the patient resides.
Paper Claim Block5
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpat_city
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010CA / N401
Allowed Values30 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient State

DescriptionThe state where the patient resides.
Paper Claim Block5
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpat_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010CA / N402
Allowed Values2 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient Zip Code

DescriptionThe ZIP code of the patient's address.
Paper Claim Block5
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpat_zip
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2010CA / N403
Allowed Values15 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient Country Code

DescriptionThe country code of the patient's address (if applicable).
Paper Claim Block5
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpat_country
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010CA - N4
Allowed Values2 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Patient Phone Number

DescriptionThe phone number of the patient.
Paper Claim Block5

Required / Situational: Situational

XML / JSON Field:pat_phone
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010CA - PER
Allowed Values10 characters
Note*Not on Claim.MD form.  Information obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Field Name

Patient Relationship

The relationship of the patient to the insured individual.
Paper Claim Block
Required / Situational
XML / JSON Field
X12 Loop / Segment
Loop 2000B / 2000C - SBR02 / PAT01
Allowed Values
2 characters - codes representing patient relationships to insured (e.g., 18 for Self, 01 for Spouse, 19 for Child)
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Field Name

Insured's Address

The first line of the insured individual's address.
Paper Claim Block
Required / Situational
XML / JSON Field
X12 Loop / SegmentX12 Loop / Segment2010BA - N301
Allowed Values
55 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Field Name

Insured's Address 2

The second line of the insured individual's address (if applicable).

Paper Claim Block

Required / Situational
XML / JSON Fieldins_addr_2
X12 Loop / Segment
Loop 2010BA - N302
Allowed Values
55 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Insured's City

The city where the insured individual resides.
Paper Claim Block
Required / Situational
XML / JSON Field
X12 Loop / Segment
Loop 2010BA - N401
Allowed Values
30 characters
Information obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Insured's State

The state where the insured individual resides.
Paper Claim Block
Required / Situational
XML / JSON Field
X12 Loop / Segment
2010BA - N42010BA - N402
Allowed Values
2 characters 
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Insured Zip

The ZIP code of the insured individual's address.
Paper Claim Block
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field
X12 Loop / Segment
2010BA - N403
Allowed Values
15 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.
Field Name

Insured Country Code

The country code of the insured individual's address (if applicable).
Paper Claim Block
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field
X12 Loop / Segment
Loop 2010BA - N4
Allowed Values
2 characters
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Field not visible on claim form

Field Name

Insured Phone Number

DescriptionThe phone number of the insured individual.
Paper Claim Block7
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_phone
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA - PER
Allowed Values10 characters
NoteNot on electronic form. Information obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Field Name

Marital and Work Status

This field indicates the marital status and work status of the patient, providing information about their marital relationship and current employment status.
Paper Claim Block
Required / Situational
XML / JSON Field pat_marital
X12 Loop / Segment Patient Status does not exist in the 837P
Allowed Values 1 character Y/N - Marital (Single, Married, Other); Employment (Employed, Full-time student, Part-time student)
NoteInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc
Professional Claim- Block 9
Secondary Insured's Information / Medicare Type Code


Secondary Insured Last Name

DescriptionThe last name or surname of the insured individual for other insurance.
Paper Claim Block9
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_ins_name_l
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2330A- NM103 (Name)
Allowed Values35 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Insured First Name

DescriptionThe last name or surname of the insured individual for other insurance.
Paper Claim Block9
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_ins_name_f
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2330A- NM104 (Name)
Allowed Values35 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Insured's Middle Name

DescriptionThe middle name or initial of the insured individual for other insurance.
Paper Claim Block9
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field:other_ins_name_m
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2330A - NM105
Allowed Values25 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Insured's Policy Number

DescriptionThe policy number associated with the other insurance coverage.
Paper Claim Block9a
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_ins_number
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 - SBR03
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Insured's Date of Birth

DescriptionThe date of birth of the insured individual for other insurance.
Paper Claim Block9b (this field is typically not part of the standard CMS-1500 (02/12) paper claim form.)
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_ins_dob
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320B- DMG02
Allowed ValuesDate format (yyyymmdd)
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Insured's Sex

DescriptionThe gender or sex of the insured individual for other insurance.
Paper Claim Block9b (this field is typically not part of the standard CMS-1500 (02/12) paper claim form.)
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_ins_sex
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320B - DMG03
Allowed Values2 characters - M (Male), F (Female), U (Unknown), or other valid gender codes.
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Payment Date

DescriptionThe "Primary Payment Date" refers to the date when the primary insurance payer made the payment for the healthcare services rendered.
Paper Claim Block9c (this field is not part of the standard CMS-1500 (02/12) paper claim form.)
Required / SituationalN/A (Not applicable as this field is not included in the standard CMS-1500 (02/12) paper claim form.)
XML / JSON Fieldother_ins_payment_date
X12 Loop / Segment

Loop 2330B / Segment DTP / Qualifier 573

Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Payer's Name

DescriptionThe name of the other insurance payer or health plan that is responsible for processing the claim as a secondary or tertiary payer.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payer_name
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 - SBR04 OI
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Insurance Payer ID

DescriptionThe identification number of the insurance payer for other insurance.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payerid
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 - REF01
Allowed Values8 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Secondary Payer Filing Code (Medicare Type Code)

DescriptionA code identifying the secondary insurance responsible for payment after the primary payer. It ensures accurate billing and proper claim processing by indicating the order of payer responsibility.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_claimfilingcode
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 - SBR09
Allowed ValuesText 2. Example (12- Working Age, 43- Medicare Disabled, etc.). 
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Secondary Payer's Claim ID

DescriptionThe unique identification number assigned to the claim by the other insurance payer.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payerid
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 - REF02
Allowed ValuesAllowed Values
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Payer Address 1


The first line of the address of the other insurance payer.

Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payer_addr_1
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 / N301
Allowed Values 55 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Payer Address 2

DescriptionThe second line of the address of the other insurance payer.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payer_addr_2
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 / N302
Allowed Values55 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Payer City

DescriptionThe city where the other insurance payer is located.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payer_city
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 / N401
Allowed Values2 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Payer State

DescriptionThe state where the other insurance payer is located.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payer_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 / N402
Allowed ValuesTwo-letter state abbreviation.
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Payer Zip

DescriptionThe ZIP code of the other insurance payer's location.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_payer_zip
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320 / N403
Allowed Values15 characters
Notes Information obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Medicare Type Code

DescriptionThe Medicare Type Code indicates the type of Medicare program or plan under which the patient is covered.
Paper Claim Block9d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_ins_medicare_code
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 / EB04
Allowed Values2 characters
NoteThe Medicare Type Code is specific to Medicare claims and may not be applicable to other insurance payers. It is used to indicate the type of Medicare coverage for the patient's claim


Secondary Policy Relationship

DescriptionThe relationship of the insured to the policyholder or primary beneficiary of the other insurance policy.
Paper Claim Block9e
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_pat_rel
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320B / SBR02
Allowed Values2 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Policy Group Name

DescriptionThe name of the group or employer providing the other insurance coverage, if applicable.
Paper Claim Block9f
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field other_ins_group
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320B - REF02
Allowed Values30 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Secondary Policy Number

DescriptionThe identification number or code of the other insurance policy covering the patient's healthcare services.
Paper Claim Block9g
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field other_ins_number
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2320B - REF01
Allowed Values30 characters
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.

Professional Claim- Block 10
Accident / Auto Related

Accident Related to Employment

Description Indicates whether the accident is related to employment.
Paper Claim Block10a
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldemployment_related
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2300 - CLM11 PWK
Allowed Values1 character - Y (Yes), N (No)


Accident Related to Auto

DescriptionIndicates whether the accident is related to an automobile accident.
Paper Claim Block10b
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldauto_accident
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - CLM11 PWK
Allowed Values1 character - Y (Yes), N (No)
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Auto Accident State

DescriptionThe state where the auto accident occurred.
Paper Claim Block10b
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldauto_accident_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - CLM11 PWK (Claim Supplemental Information)
Allowed ValuesTwo-letter state abbreviation
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Other Accident Related

DescriptionIndicates whether the accident is related to another type of accident.
Paper Claim Block10c
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldother_accident
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2300 - CLM11 PWK
Allowed Values 1 character - Y (Yes), N (No)
NotesInformation obtained from intake forms and/or PMS / EMR systems, insurance information, etc.


Condition Code (1, 2, 3)

DescriptionClaim codes in field refer to the codes used to indicate specific conditions or reasons for the claim submission. These codes provide additional information related to the claim and may help in processing and adjudicating the claim accurately.
Paper Claim Block10d
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldcond_code_1, cond_code_2, cond_code_3
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - HI CLM
Allowed Values2 characters Common examples include:
  • "A0" - Medical Emergency
  • "B3" - Change in Diagnosis or Misdiagnosis
  • "B7" - Performed Prior to Authorization
  • "P4" - Item Provided as a Preoperative Service Only
  • "PR" - Patient Responsibility
  • "PI" - Primary Insurance
  • "OA" - Other Accident
  • "NU" - New Equipment
  • "GW" - Service Not Related to the Hospice Patient's Terminal Condition
  • "ZA" - Medicare Blood Deductible
  • "ZZ" - Mutually Defined

NotesThe specific claim codes used may vary depending on the payer's guidelines and requirements. Providers should use appropriate and accurate claim codes to ensure proper processing and payment of the claim.
Professional Claim- Block 11
Insured's Information

Insured's Policy Group

DescriptionThe group number associated with the insured individual's insurance plan.
Paper Claim Block11
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_group
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2000B - SBR03 REF
Allowed Values30 characters
NotesInsurance Information


Insured Date of Birth

DescriptionThe date of birth of the insured individual.
Paper Claim Block11a
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_dob
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA - DMG02
Allowed ValuesDate format yyyymmdd
NotesInsurance Information


Insured Gender

DescriptionThe gender of the insured individual.
Paper Claim Block11a
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_sex
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA - DMG03
Allowed Values1 character - M (Male), F (Female), U (Unknown)
NotesInsurance Information


Insured Employer Name/School Name/ Other Claim ID

DescriptionThe name of the insured individual's employer.
Paper Claim Block11b
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_employer
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BA - REF01, REF02
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesInsurance Information


Insured Plan Name

DescriptionThe name of the insured individual's insurance plan.
Paper Claim Block11c
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldins_plan
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2000B - SBR04
Allowed Values30 characters
NotesInsurance Information


Supervising Provider Name / ID / NPI

DescriptionThe name of the supervisor or overseeing healthcare professional who provided or supervised the healthcare services.
Paper Claim Block2310D
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldchg_supv_prov_name_l, chg_supv_prov_name_f, chg_supv_prov_name_m, chg_supv_prov_npi, chg_supv_prov_id
X12 Loop / SegmentN/A (Not applicable as this field is not part of the standard X12 EDI format for electronic claim submissions based on the CMS-1500 form.)
Allowed Values55 characters
NotesInsurance Information

Professional Claim- Block 14-19
Date of Condition, Referring Physician, Hospitalization dates, Claim Narrative, 
More Information

Note that selecting an option from the ADD DATE field, will add a new date field under DATE OF CONDITION.


Date of Condition / Date of Current illness, injury, pregnancy (LMP)

DescriptionThe date when the current illness, injury, or pregnancy began.
Paper Claim Block14
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldcond_date
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - DTP01 / DTP03
Allowed Values Date yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.


Date of Onset

DescriptionThe date when the patient's symptoms or condition first started or when an injury occurred.
Paper Claim Block15
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldonset_date
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - DTP01, DTP03
Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.


Date Last Seen

DescriptionThe date when the patient was last seen for treatment or evaluation.
Paper Claim Block:15
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldlastseen_date
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2300 - DTP01, DT03
Allowed ValuesDate format yyyymmdd
NotesThis field displays once Last Date Seen is selected in the Add Date dropdown.
Usually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc. 


Unable to Work From Date

DescriptionThe date when the patient became unable to work due to the reported condition or injury.
Paper Claim Block16
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldnowork_from_date
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2300 - DTP03
Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.


Unable to Work To Date

DescriptionThe phrase "Unable to Work To Date" indicates that the individual has been unable to work up to the current date, implying a continuous period of being unable to work until the present moment.
Paper Claim Block16
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field nowork_from_date
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - DTP03
Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.


Referring Provider Last Name


The last name or surname of the referring provider.

Paper Claim Block17
Required / Situational:Situational
XML / JSON Field ref_name_l
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310A - NM101
Allowed Values35 characters
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.
Reference for NPI information:


Referring Provider First Name

DescriptionThe first name or given name of the referring provider.
Paper Claim Block17
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldref_name_f
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2310A - NM103
Allowed Values25 characters
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.
Reference for NPI information:


Referring Provider Middle Name

DescriptionThe middle name or initial of the referring provider.
Paper Claim Block17
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field:ref_name_m
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310A - NM104
Allowed Values25 characters
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.
Reference for NPI information:


Referring Provider NPI

DescriptionThe National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the referring provider.
Paper Claim BlockBlock: 17a
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldref_npi
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310A - NM109
Allowed ValuesNumeric 10 characters
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.
Reference for NPI information:


Referring Provider Atypical ID

DescriptionThe atypical ID associated with the referring provider, if applicable.
Paper Claim Block17b
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldref_id
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2310A - REF01, REF02
Allowed Values:32 characters
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.
Reference for NPI information:


Hospital Admit Date / Dates Related to Current Services

DescriptionThe date when the patient was admitted to the hospital.
Paper Claim Block18
Required / Situational Situational
XML / JSON Field:hosp_from_date
X12 Loop / Segment: Loop 2300 - DTP03
Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.


Hospital Discharge Date

DescriptionThe date when the patient was discharged from the hospital.
Paper Claim Block18
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldhosp_thru_date
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - DTP03
Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc. 


Chiro Condition Manifest Date

DescriptionThe date when the chiropractic condition was first manifested or diagnosed.
Paper Claim Block19
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field chiro_manifest_date
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310A - REF01, REF02
Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesSelect "Acute Manifest Date" from the Add Date Field in block 14. 
Usually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.
Professional Claim- Block 21
Diagnosis Codes


Diagnoses Code A

DescriptionThe primary diagnosis code for the patient's condition or ailment.
Paper Claim Block21
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fielddiag_1
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2300 -HI01-2
Allowed Values 8 characters- ICD-10-CM codes (diagnosis codes).

Diag Codes Reference:

Usually from PMS / EMR, medical notes, etc.

Professional Claim- Block 22-23
Resubmission Code / Prior Authorization # / Referral Number / CLIA Number 


Medicaid Resubmission Code

DescriptionCode indicating the reason for resubmitting the claim (e.g., Original Claim, Void/Cancel of Prior Claim, etc.) plus a unique identifier assigned to a specific claim for tracking and internal record-keeping
Paper Claim Block22
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldicn_dcn_1
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - CLM05-3, 2300 - REF02
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesResubmission refers to the process of providing the code and original reference number assigned by the destination payer or receiver, indicating a claim or encounter that has been submitted previously.


Prior Authorization Number

DescriptionThe authorization number obtained from the payer for specific medical services or procedures.
Paper Claim Block23
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldprior_auth
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - REF02
Allowed Values64 Characters
NotesThe "Prior Authorization Number" is the payer's assigned authorization number for the service(s).


Referral Number

DescriptionThe number assigned to a medical referral from one healthcare provider to another.
Paper Claim Block23
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldreferral_number
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - REF02
Allowed Values32 characters


CLIA Number

DescriptionClinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) number assigned to the laboratory performing the tests.
Paper Claim Block23
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldclia_number
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2300 - REF02
Allowed Values32 characters

CLIA Number reference:

Professional Claim- Block 24
Service / Procedure / Charge and Units Information


Date of Service From


The starting date of service for the billed procedure(s).

Paper Claim Block24A
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldfrom_date
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - DTP03
Allowed Values Date yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.


Date of Service To

DescriptionThe ending date of service for the billed procedure(s) when multiple days were required.
Paper Claim Block24A
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldthru_date
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - DTP03
Allowed ValuesDate yyyymmdd
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.


Place of Service

DescriptionCode identifying where the services were rendered (e.g., office, home, hospital).
Paper Claim BlockClaim Block: 24B
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldplace_of_service
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 CLM05-1 / 2400 - SV105
Allowed Values 2 characters
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.



DescriptionIndicator for emergency services performed.
Paper Claim Block24C
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field emergency_indicator
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - SV109
Allowed ValuesYes/No in dropdown (1  character- "1" for emergency services, "0" for non-emergency services.) 
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.


Procedure Code

DescriptionCode(s) for the specific procedures, services, or supplies provided to the patient.
Paper Claim Block24D
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldproc_code
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - SV101 (2-6)
Allowed Values5 characters - codes identifying the procedures, services, or supplies.
NotesCPT Codes references:Usually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.


Modifier 1-4

DescriptionHCPCS modifiers are two-character codes appended to procedure codes to convey specific details about a healthcare service, such as "-GT" for telehealth services, enhancing accurate billing and claims processing.
Paper Claim Block24D
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldmod1, mod2, mod3, mod4
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - SV101 (2-6)
Allowed Values2 characters

Diagnosis Pointer

Description Pointer(s) to the appropriate diagnosis code(s) in Block 21 related to the service or procedure performed.
Paper Claim Block24E
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fielddiag_ref
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - SV107 (1-4)
Allowed Values8 characters- Numeric pointers indicating the relevant diagnosis code(s) from Block 21.
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.


Charge Amount

DescriptionThe charges associated with each procedure or service provided.
Paper Claim Block24F
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldcharge
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - SV102
Allowed Values9.2 characters - Monetary amount for each procedure or service.
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.


Units Qualifier

DescriptionThe number of days or units for each procedure or service provided.
Paper Claim Block24G
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldunits
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - SV104
Allowed Values2 characters- Numeric value indicating the number of days or units.
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.
More Information
Must click "Show Additional Charge Fields" to display the following:
  • NDC Code 
  • NDC Dosage
  • NDC Measure
  • Fields 24H-L


Additional Narrative

DescriptionA brief text field used to provide supplementary details or context, especially when specific codes are unavailable or not fully descriptive.
Paper Claim Block24
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldnarrative
X12 Loop / Segment
Allowed ValuesText 80
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.

NDC Code / NDC Dosage / NDC Measure


NDC code: A unique identifier assigned to drugs and other healthcare products in the United States for tracking, billing, and drug classification purposes.

NDC dosage: The specific strength or concentration of a medication represented by the NDC code, indicating the amount of the active ingredient per unit of administration (e.g., per tablet, per milliliter).

NDC measure: The unit of measurement associated with the NDC code, indicating the quantity or volume of the medication or product being dispensed (e.g., number of tablets, milliliters of liquid).

Paper Claim BlockNot part of the paper claim HCFA 1500 (hidden under line 24 A-G)
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldndc_code, ndc_dosage, ndc_measure
X12 Loop / SegmentN/A
Allowed ValuesNDC Code (11 characters), NDC Dosage (7 characters), NDC Measure (2 characters)

NDC Code References:


EPSDT / Family Plan

DescriptionIndicator for whether the service is related to an Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) family plan.
Paper Claim Block24H
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldepsdt_indicator
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2400 - SV111, SV112
Allowed Values1 character - "Y" if the service is related to an EPSDT family plan, "N" if not applicable.
NotesUsually from medical records, PMS/EMR, etc.


Ordering Provider Last Name, First Name, Middle Name: 


The personal name details of the healthcare professional responsible for placing an order, typically in the format of last name, first name, and middle name.The personal name details of the healthcare professional responsible for placing an order, typically in the format of last name, first name, and middle name.

Paper Claim Block24
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field

ord_prov_name_l, ord_prov_name_f, ord_prov_name_m

X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2420E- NM103, 104, 105
Allowed ValuesNDC Code (11 characters), NDC Dosage (7 characters), NDC Measure (2 characters)

NDC Code References:


Ordering Provider NPI / Other ID


A unique 10-digit identification number assigned to healthcare providers in the United States, used for standardizing and uniquely identifying them in electronic transactions.

Paper Claim Block24
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field


X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2420E- NM109, REF01, REF02
Allowed ValuesNumeric 10


Ordering Provider Address 1 and Address 2: 


The street address details of the ordering provider, where "Address 1" and "Address 2" may be used for different address lines if needed.

Paper Claim Block24
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field

ord_prov_addr_1, ord_prov_addr_2

X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2420E- N301, N302
Allowed ValuesText 55, 55


Ordering Provider City, State, Zip


The specific location details of the ordering provider, including the city, state, and ZIP code of their practice or location.

Paper Claim Block24
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field

ord_prov_city, ord_prov_state, ord_prov_zip

X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2420E- NM401, 402, 403
Allowed ValuesText 30, 2, 12

Field not visible on form


Service Authorization Exception Code

Description Code indicating the reason for the service being exempt from pre-authorization requirements.
Paper Claim Block24I
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldchg_prior_auth
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - PRV02, REF01 / 2420A - PRV02 REF01
Allowed Values64 characters
NotesNot on the electronic form

Rendering Provider Last Name

DescriptionIf a claim level rendering provider is reported on our Claim.MD View/Claim form, it will be displayed in Box 31. Although 24J is normally displayed on paper Claim forms, it is not found on the electronic Claim.MD View/Claim form unless you are reporting a service line level rendering provider for a specific service code. In that case, make sure to click "Show Additional Charge Fields". 
Paper Claim Block24J
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldref_name_l
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - NM1 
Allowed Values35 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Rendering Provider First Name

DescriptionIf a claim level rendering provider is reported on our Claim.MD View/Claim form, it will be displayed in Box 31. Although 24J is normally displayed on paper Claim forms, it is not found on the electronic Claim.MD View/Claim form unless you are reporting a service line level rendering provider for a specific service code. In that case, make sure to click "Show Additional Charge Fields".
Paper Claim Block24J
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldref_name_f
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - NM1
Allowed Values25 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Rendering Provider Middle Name

DescriptionIf a claim level rendering provider is reported on our Claim.MD View/Claim form, it will be displayed in Box 31. Although 24J is normally displayed on paper Claim forms, it is not found on the electronic Claim.MD View/Claim form unless you are reporting a service line level rendering provider for a specific service code. In that case, make sure to click "Show Additional Charge Fields".
Paper Claim Block24J
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldref_name_m
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - NM1
Allowed Values25 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Rendering Provider Taxonomy #


Taxonomy in medical claims uses standardized codes to classify healthcare providers by their type (broad category like physician or clinic), classification (specific field like family medicine), and specialization (focused area like addiction medicine) to ensure accurate billing and claims processing.

Paper Claim Block24J
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldprov_taxonomy
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - PRV03 REF02 / 2420A - PRV03 REF02
Allowed Values10 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Rendering Provider NPI

DescriptionThe National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the healthcare provider who performed the services or procedures.
Paper Claim Block24J
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldprov_npi
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - PRV03 REF02
Allowed Values10 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Rendering Provider Atypical ID

DescriptionAtypical identifier for the rendering provider, if applicable.
Paper Claim Block24J
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldprov_id
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2420A - REF
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Facility Name

DescriptionThe name of the facility where the services were rendered.
Paper Claim Block24K
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_name
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - NM1 (Service Facility Location Name)
Allowed Values35 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Facility Address 1

DescriptionThe address line 1 of the facility where the services were rendered.
Paper Claim Block24K
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_addr_1
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - N3
Allowed Values64 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Facility Address 2

DescriptionThe address line 2 of the facility where the services were rendered (if applicable).
Paper Claim Block24K
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_addr_2
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - N3
Allowed Values64 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Facility City

DescriptionThe city where the facility is located.
Paper Claim Block24K
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_city
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - N4 
Allowed Values35 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Facility State

Description The state where the facility is located.
Paper Claim Block24K
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - N4 
Allowed ValuesTwo-letter state codes
NotesReference for NPI information:


Facility Zip

DescriptionThe ZIP code of the facility where the services were rendered.
Paper Claim Block24K
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_zip
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - N4
Allowed Values12 characters
NotesReference for NPI information:


Purchased/Referred Service Name

DescriptionThe name of the provider or entity to whom the services were purchased or referred. This is used when the services listed on the claim were performed by another provider or entity.
Paper Claim Block24L
Required / SituationalSituational
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2310F - NM1 
Allowed Values
NotesReference for NPI information:

Code (Primary Patient Adjustment Code)

DescriptionThe adjustment reason codes communicate to the secondary or tertiary payers what the primary or secondary payers did not pay when they adjudicated the claim. These are the equivalent of sending an electronic EOB.
Paper Claim BlockNote: The dropdown on the top must be on SECONDARY, to see the adjustment code fields. This line will display under line 24 A-G.
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldadj_code_1 adj_cod 2, adj_cod_3, adj_cod_4, adj_code, 5, adj_code_6, adj_code_7, adj_code_8
X12 Loop / SegmentN/A
Allowed Values6 characters

The adjustment should be used from the previous payers EOB, but the full list can be found here:


Amount (Primary Patient Adjustment Amount)

DescriptionThe adjustment amount is the difference between the total billed charges for medical services and the amount paid by the primary insurance provider, which may be covered by a secondary insurance plan or paid out-of-pocket by the patient.
Paper Claim BlockNote: The dropdown on the top must be on SECONDARY, to see the adjustment code fields. This line will display under line 24 A-G.
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldadj_amt_1, adj_amt_2, adj_amt_3, adj_amt_4, adj_amt_5, adj_amt_6, adj_amt_7, adj_amt_8
X12 Loop / SegmentN/A
Allowed ValuesNumeric 8.2


Remit Date

DescriptionThe remit date is the date on which the insurance company or payer issues the payment or explanation of benefits (EOB) for a claim, detailing the adjustments made to the billed charges and the amount the provider will receive.
Paper Claim BlockNote: The dropdown on the top must be on SECONDARY, to see the adjustment code fields. This line will display under line 24 A-G.
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldprimary_paid_date
X12 Loop / SegmentN/A
Allowed Valuesdate mmddyy


Paid (Primary Paid Amount)

DescriptionThe amount paid by the primary (or if tertiary claim, the secondary) payer.
Paper Claim BlockNote: The dropdown on the top must be on SECONDARY (or tertiary), to see the adjustment code fields. This line will display under line 24 A-G.
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldprimary_paid_amount_2
X12 Loop / Segment
Allowed Valuesdate mmddyy

Professional Claim- Box 25-30
Tax ID / Patient Acct # / Total Charge / Amount Paid / Balance


Federal Tax ID Number

DescriptionThe Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the billing provider or the facility.
Paper Claim Block25
Required / SituationalRequired for group or facility billing, Situational for individual providers
XML / JSON Fieldbill_taxid
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2300 - CLM01
Allowed Values16 characters
NotesEIN is for "Employment Identification Number" is generally used for identifying a business/organization.
SSN is for Social Security Number and selected for identifying individual providers. 


Patient's Account Number

DescriptionThe patient's account number or identifier used by the billing provider to track the patient's billing and financial information. This is a number decided by the biller or a billing software system.
Paper Claim Block26
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldpcn
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - CLM07 
Allowed Values1 character "YES" or "NO."
NotesThis is either decided by the biller (usually following a convention) or generated from a PMS/EMR system


Accept Assignment

DescriptionIndication of whether the billing provider accepts assignment of the claim or not. If "YES," it means the provider accepts the approved charge determined by the payer. If "NO," it means the provider does not accept the approved charge and may bill the patient.
Paper Claim Block27
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldaccept_assign
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - CLM07
Allowed Values1 character "YES" or "NO."


Total Charge

DescriptionThe total charge for all services rendered to the patient.
Paper Claim Block28
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldtotal_charge
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 - CLM02
Allowed Values12.2


Amount Paid

DescriptionThe total amount paid by the primary payer.
Paper Claim Block29
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldamount_paid
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2300 (patient amount paid) , 2320 (payer amount paid)  - AMT02
Allowed ValuesNumeric 8.2


Balance Due

DescriptionThe amount remaining to be paid by the patient after considering the total charges, primary payer's payment, and any adjustments or deductions.
Paper Claim Block30
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldbalance_due
X12 Loop / Segment
Allowed Values

Professional Claim- Block 31
Rendering Provider Information

Rendering Provider Last Name

DescriptionThe last name or surname of the rendering healthcare provider who performed or provided the healthcare services.
Paper Claim Block31
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldprov_name_l
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - NM1
Allowed Values35 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Rendering Provider First Name

DescriptionThe first name or given name of the rendering healthcare provider who performed or provided the healthcare services.
Paper Claim Block31
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldprov_name_f
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - NM1 (Name)
Allowed Values25 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Rendering Provider Middle Name

DescriptionThe middle name or initial of the rendering healthcare provider who performed or provided the healthcare services.
Paper Claim Block31
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldprov_name_m
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - NM1 (Name)
Allowed Values25 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Rendering Provider NPI

DescriptionThe National Provider Identifier (NPI) number assigned to the rendering healthcare provider.
Paper Claim Block31
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldprov_npi
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310B - NM1
Allowed ValuesNumeric 10 characters digits representing the unique NPI number assigned to the rendering provider by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Rendering Provider Atypical ID

DescriptionThe unique identification number or code assigned to the rendering healthcare provider by their practice or facility.
Paper Claim BlockN/A (Not applicable as this field is not part of the standard CMS-1500 (02/12) paper claim form.)
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Field


X12 Loop / SegmentN/A (Not applicable as this field is not part of the standard X12 EDI format for electronic claim submissions based on the CMS-1500 form.)
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesThe "Provider ID" is not a standard field on the CMS-1500 (02/12) form. If such information is required for a specific claim submission, it may need to be provided as part of supplemental documentation or data accompanying the standard CMS-1500 form. Always check with the insurance payer or electronic claims processing system for any additional data requirements or specific guidelines related to this field.
Professional Claim- Block 32
Facility Information

Service Facility Location Name

DescriptionThe name of the facility or location where the services were rendered.
Paper Claim Block32
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_name
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310C -NM103
Allowed Values32 characters


Service Facility Location Address

DescriptionThe address of the facility or location where the services were rendered.
Paper Claim Block32
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_addr_1
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - N301
Allowed Values64 characters


Service Facility Location City

Description The city where the facility or location is located.
Paper Claim Block32
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_city
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2310E - N401 
Allowed Values32 characters


Service Facility Location State

Description The state where the facility or location is located.
Paper Claim Block32
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310E - N402
Allowed Values Two-letter state codes (e.g., CA, NY, TX).


Service Facility Location ZIP Code

DescriptionThe ZIP code of the facility or location where the services were rendered.
Paper Claim Block32
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_zip
X12 Loop / Segment Loop 2310E - N403 (Service Facility Location City, State, ZIP Code)
Allowed Values12 characters


Facility NPI

DescriptionThe National Provider Identifier (NPI) number assigned to the facility or institution where the healthcare services were rendered or performed.
Paper Claim Block32a
Required / SituationalSituational (If applicable to the claim, the Facility NPI is required.)
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_npi
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310C - NM109
Allowed Values Numeric 10 - Numeric digits representing the unique NPI number assigned to the facility or institution by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:

Facility ID

DescriptionThe unique identification number assigned to the facility or institution where the healthcare services were rendered or performed.
Paper Claim Block32b
Required / SituationalSituational (If applicable to the claim, the Facility ID is required.)
XML / JSON Fieldfacility_id
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2310C - REF01, REF02
Allowed Values32 characters - Alphanumeric characters, spaces, and special characters representing the facility's unique identification number or code.
NotesThe Facility ID is used to uniquely identify the specific facility or institution where the healthcare services were provided. It may be required by certain payers or electronic claims processing systems for claims adjudication and billing purposes. Providers should use the correct Facility ID when submitting claims to ensure accurate processing and reimbursement.
Professional Claim- Block 33
Billing Provider Information

Billing Provider Name 

DescriptionThe name of the billing provider or the entity responsible for submitting the claim. This could be an individual provider's name or the name of a group practice or facility.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldbill_name
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AA - NM103
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider Address

DescriptionThe address of the billing provider or the entity responsible for submitting the claim. Please note: PO Boxes are NOT allowed for primary or secondary billing provider addresses. 
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldbill_addr_1
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AA - N3 01
Allowed Values128 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider City

DescriptionThe city where the billing provider is located.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldbill_city
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AA - N4 01 (city)
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider State 

DescriptionThe state where the billing provider is located.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldbill_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AA - N4 02
Allowed ValuesTwo-letter state codes (e.g., CA, NY, TX).
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider ZIP Code

DescriptionThe ZIP code of the billing provider's location.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldbill_zip
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AA - N4 03
Allowed Values12 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider Phone Number

Field not in claim form

DescriptionThe phone number of the billing provider or the entity submitting the claim. This can include the area code.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldbill_phone
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AA - PER
Allowed Values16 characters
NotesNot on the electronic form. Provider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider NPI

DescriptionThe National Provider Identifier assigned to a healthcare provider for the purpose of processing and tracking medical claims.
Paper Claim Block33a
Required / SituationalRequired
XML / JSON Fieldbill_npi
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AA / NM1 09
Allowed Values10 characters
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider Taxonomy

DescriptionThe code that specifies the type or classification of healthcare services provided by the billing provider.
Paper Claim Block33b
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldbill_taxonomy
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2000A - PRV03 /  2010AA - REF01, REF02
Allowed Values10 characters - representing the specific taxonomy code assigned to the billing provider by relevant healthcare authorities or organizations.
NotesProvider information. Review for accuracy if needed:


Billing Provider ID

DescriptionThe unique identification number or code assigned to the billing healthcare provider or organization by their practice or facility.
Paper Claim Block33b
Required / SituationalSituational (Required if this is used instead of NPI)
XML / JSON Fieldbill_id
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010BB, REF*G2
Allowed Values32 characters
NotesThe "Billing Provider ID" is not a standard field on the CMS-1500 (02/12) form. If such information is required for a specific claim submission, it may need to be provided as part of supplemental documentation or data accompanying the standard CMS-1500 form. Always check with the insurance payer or electronic claims processing system for any additional data requirements or specific guidelines related to this field.

Pay-To Provider Name

DescriptionThe information in this box must match the pay-to information that is being electronically billed.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpay_name
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AB, NM1/87
Allowed ValuesText 50

Pay-To Provider Address

DescriptionThe information in this box must match the pay-to information that is being electronically billed.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpay_addr_1, pay addr_2
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AB, N3, 01, 02, 87
Allowed ValuesText 55

Pay-To Provider City

DescriptionThe information in this box must match the pay-to information that is being electronically billed.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpay_city
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AB, N4, 01, 87
Allowed ValuesText 30

Pay-To Provider State

DescriptionThe information in this box must match the pay-to information that is being electronically billed.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpay_state
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AB, N4, 02, 87
Allowed ValuesText 2

Pay-To Provider Zip

DescriptionThe information in this box must match the pay-to information that is being electronically billed.
Paper Claim Block33
Required / SituationalSituational
XML / JSON Fieldpay_zip
X12 Loop / SegmentLoop 2010AB, N4, 03, 87
Allowed ValuesText 12

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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