- 24 Mar 2025
- 9 Minutes to read
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Quick Start Guide
- Updated on 24 Mar 2025
- 9 Minutes to read
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Welcome to Claim.MD!
Please carefully follow each of the steps below on this Quick Start Guide.
If you need assistance, please open a Support Ticket with our support team.
Getting Started - Creating an Account
Before you create an account, make sure you have the following on hand:
- The business or account owner will need to create the account.
- A valid form of U.S. identification, and a computer or phone with a camera.
- A credit card, or valid EFT routing # and checking account information.
- Up-to-date contact information in the NPPES database for any providers you'll be billing for. Make sure to let them know to expect a call from Claim.MD.
Step one- Adding Users
Each individual that has access to Claim.MD, or that may need to speak with our support team, will need their own login credentials.
From the left hand menu, click Manage Users.
Note, you must have administrative privileges to access the Manage Users menu.
- First select a user type:
- Administrative users are able to control all access to the system, including adding/removing users and their privileges.
- Standard Users can be limited to access specific areas of the system.
- Eligibility Only users can only run benefits and eligibility and can be limited to a specific NPI.
- Accounting/Invoices users can only see invoices from Claim MD as well as make payments or change the payment method for Claim.MD services.
- Next click .
- You’ll need to complete at minimum the contact name and email address for a new user.
- Review the access privileges available to them.
- Once you click , we’ll send an email with a setup link to the email address given. The new user will need to follow that link to select a username and password.
Adding Users - More Information
For more detail on adding users, visit the Manage Users article.
Step two - Provider Enrollment
Some payers will require enrollment before you can submit electronic claims. This segment will show you how to quickly complete these enrollment steps.
From the left hand menu, Click Provider Enrollment.
Pending Approval
When a provider record requires additional approval, a "Pending Approval" indicator will appear on the provider enrollment screen (see screenshots below). This indicates that a verification request has been initiated and an automated phone verification message will be sent to the contact information on file with NPPES. The designated contact must confirm or decline the request to proceed.
The approval request is sent to the provider’s registered contact in the NPPES database. It is important to ensure that this contact information is current and that someone is available to respond. If the approval is confirmed, the enrollment process will continue, and the necessary documents will be processed and submitted. Until the approval is received, the enrollment will remain in a pending state.
If the group is listed first and all NPIs share the same tax ID, the robocaller will contact the group's authorized official only once. If NPIs have different tax IDs, each will receive a separate call. To avoid multiple calls, it is highly recommended to list the group NPI first.
Add Providers
- Each organization you bill for will need to be added to Claim.MD. If you do not see your organization’s information listed, click .
- Enter your NPI and Tax ID.
A-typical provider (those not required to have an NPI), can leave the NPI blank.
- The provider information screen will be used to auto populate any upcoming enrollment paperwork. Once you’ve verified the information is accurate on this popup, save the provider record.
Enrollment for Claim Submission
Now lets review which payers require enrollment before submitting claims, and how to set up electronic payment notifications.
- Click on the provider name to review enrollments specific for this provider.
Common payers for your provider's state will be shown by default, but you can use the search box to look up any specific payer you will be billing to. - Review the claims column to determine if enrollment is required to submit to a given insurance.
If submitting institutional or claims, change the drop down menu above.- No Enrollment Required means you can begin sending electronic claims to this payer immediately.
- Not Available means the payer does not support this type of claim.
- If Enrollment Required is shown, then additional steps will need to be completed before you can send electronic claims to this payer.
- When clicking the button, you will either be prompted with instructions to complete enrollment steps through an external enrollment portal, or with the pre-populated paperwork that you need to complete.
- When instructions are given, make sure you follow each step carefully. Once those steps are completed, click the button to finalize the enrollment request.
- When paperwork is shown, carefully review the forms and pre-filled boxes. You may make adjustments to these forms before submitting. Some required fields may be highlighted for you to complete, for example a signature may be required.
In most cases we are able to mail or fax these forms for you. If additional steps are required, these instructions may be shown after you submit the form.
- When clicking the button, you will either be prompted with instructions to complete enrollment steps through an external enrollment portal, or with the pre-populated paperwork that you need to complete.
Enrollment for ERA
Now that we’ve enrolled for claim submission, let’s set up Electronic Remittance Advice, or E.R.A. ERA is how the payer sends you an electronic summary of what was paid on the claims you’ve submitted. If your billing software supports automatic payment posting, you will need to setup ERA for each payer so it has the data necessary to complete this process.
- On the provider enrollment page, the ERA column will give you instructions to activate ERA.
- Quick Enroll - Means we are able to submit an online enrollment request with no additional paperwork or steps.
- Auto-Enroll - Means the payer automatically returns their remittance summary to the send of the claim.
- Like the claim enrollments, Enrollment Required for ERA will either have instructions for enrolling online with the payer, or pre-filled forms that need to be submitted.
ERA can only be returned to one clearinghouse. When you enroll for ERA, all electronic remittance for the selected NPI/Tax ID will be re-routed to Claim.MD regardless of where the claims are originally submitted from.
Enrollment for Eligibility
Finally, we’ll want to activate eligibility for any payers we want to check benefits and eligibility for. Use the Eligibility column to turn this option on.
Step three - Submitting Claims
Claims can be sent using one of four methods. If you use a practice management or billing software contact them to determine which method is appropriate for you.
Direct Data Entry
For users with no billing software, claims may be created directly in Claim.MD.
Continue to Direct Data Entry
Manually Uploading Claims
If your software batches claims and saves them to a folder on your computer, use this method to upload your claim file.
Continue to Manually Uploading Claims
If you are using a billing application that supports "SFTP", this method sets up an automated file transfer between your billing software and Claim.MD
Continue to Configure SFTP connection
If you are using a billing application that supports "API", this method sets up an automated file transfer between your billing software and Claim.MD
Continue to Configure API Connection
Transmit Approval Setting
Please note, by default, all claims are set to be approved by a user on the Manage Claims page before being transmitted. We recommend keeping this setting enabled for at least the first several claim submissions to ensure accuracy of data after it has been directly entered, uploaded from a batch file, or transferred from another system (SFTP or API).
However, if no final approval is needed before transmission, this feature can be disabled in Settings > Account Settings. Simply un-select the Transmit Approval Required checkbox.
If this setting is disabled, valid claims will be marked for transmit immediately.
Other Important Articles
Once the steps above have been completed, it is highly recommended to review the articles below to familiarize yourself with the functionalities and features of the rest of the Claim.MD software.
Articles for All Users
Provider Enrollment
Article to read: Provider Enrollment.
More detailed information on the provider enrollment process.
Manage Claims
Article to Read: Manage Claims.
Understand how to manage your claims that need your attention such as rejected claims (either from Claim.MD, third-party EDI, or payers), missing claim acknowledgements, missing ERA, and reminders. You can do this all on the Manage Claims page.
Receive ERA
Article to Read: View ERA.
If you are using Claim.MD for ERA, make sure your enrollment has been submitted with each payer. ERA enrollments generally process between 3 and 30 days. Contact the payer if you are not receiving your ERA by this time. The View ERA page is where you can view ERA transmissions from your payers.
Article to Read: Eligibility.
Article to Read: Reporting.
Reporting allows you to view an overview of all past history.
Article to Read: Search.
You may need to search for claims that have already been transmitted and are not on your Manage Claims page. You can do this in the Search page.
View/Pay Invoices
Article to Read: View/Pay Invoices.
This is where your organization will make payments and review service fees to Claim.MD.
Support Tickets
Article to Read: Support Tickets.
You may need to contact support on an issue related to Claim.MD. There are convenient shortcuts to tickets from the claim form, and the View ERA page, and the Eligibility screen that will automatically attach your example to the ticket. You can also send a general or missing ERA ticket through the Support Tickets page.
Articles for Administrative Users
Article to Read: Manage Users.
Articles to Read: